Summer holidays are a time when families are often away from their own medical advisor but also a time when ailments from overdoing the summer activities arise. I always carry a homeopathic first aid kit with me for those moments when you need a solution quickly. So I thought I would outline a few remedies for you that might be of help over the summer months.
* Overindulgence – when you have had too much of nana’s trifle and xmas cake as well as too many summer beverages Nux Vomica can help settle the stomach and get things back to normal.
* Sunburn – for that really red burning skin after a day in the sun Belladonna will take the burn out and start the healing process.
* Sunstroke – burning heat in the head and face, throbbing pulse, restlessness and confusion Aconite is the first remedy to consider.
* Insect bites – Ledum is a good general remedy for bites of any sort, if you know what you were bitten by a more specific remedy may be better.
* Travel Sickness – nausea, vomiting, sick headache and worse for the thought of food Cocculus is the remedy to settle things down.
* Fleas – Really bad at this time of year, for all your pets Pulex will make them resistant to the fleas and help with the itching.
* Sprains, Strains, Knocks and Bruises Arnica is the first and foremost remedy to have on hand, to take internally and rubbed on the affected area but only if the skin is not broken.
* Overindulgence – when you have had too much of nana’s trifle and xmas cake as well as too many summer beverages Nux Vomica can help settle the stomach and get things back to normal.
* Sunburn – for that really red burning skin after a day in the sun Belladonna will take the burn out and start the healing process.
* Sunstroke – burning heat in the head and face, throbbing pulse, restlessness and confusion Aconite is the first remedy to consider.
* Insect bites – Ledum is a good general remedy for bites of any sort, if you know what you were bitten by a more specific remedy may be better.
* Travel Sickness – nausea, vomiting, sick headache and worse for the thought of food Cocculus is the remedy to settle things down.
* Fleas – Really bad at this time of year, for all your pets Pulex will make them resistant to the fleas and help with the itching.
* Sprains, Strains, Knocks and Bruises Arnica is the first and foremost remedy to have on hand, to take internally and rubbed on the affected area but only if the skin is not broken.